I am a Researcher at ICAR-CNR, the Artificial Intelligence Institute of the National Research Council of Italy, and will soon defend my PhD at the University of Pisa, advised by Giuseppe Manco and Francesco Bonchi.
My research focuses on developing scalable computational methods to protect users and communities online.
I aim to empower platforms and public entities with tools to audit and mitigate digital threats, ensuring safer and more inclusive online spaces.
2024-11-04 | 🌟📜 Our paper "Uncovering coordinated cross-platform information operations: Threatening the integrity of the 2024 U.S. presidential election" is on the cover of First Monday! (link) |
2024-10-25 | 🗣️ Presented our paper "Link Polarity Prediction from Sparse and Noisy Labels via Multiscale Social Balance" at CIKM in the lovely Boise (photo) |
2024-10-04 | 🌟🗣️ Deeply honoured to have had the possibility to give a guest lecture at USC on the fascinating topic of Online Social Safety (link) (photo) |
2024-08-19 | 🌴🚀 Just landed in LA to kick off my internship at USC with Emilio Ferrara and Luca Luceri |
2024-07-29 | 📜 "Balanced Quality Score (BQS): Measuring Popularity Debiasing in Recommendation" published on ACM TIST (link) |
2023-05-25 | 🗣️ Gave a talk on our paper "Cascade-based Echo Chamber Detection" at the Reading Group of MILA and Vector Institute (link) |
2022-11-01 | ✈️ Flying to Berlin for starting my Research Internship at Amazon Music |
2022-10-14 | 🗣️ Presented our paper "Cascade-based Echo Chamber Detection" at CIKM'22 in Atlanta |
2022-08-01 | 📜 "Cascade-based Echo Chamber Detection" accepted at CIKM'22 (link) |
2022-01-15 | 📜 "The Effect of People Recommenders on Echo Chambers and Polarization" accepted at ICWSM'22 (link) |